
Theatr Bara Caws
Friday / Gwener
£9 / £8


2 fam, 2 dad, 2 fab × wisgi, tiwlips a ffôn = llanast

Cyfieithiad Gareth Miles o ‘Le Dieu de Carnage’, Yasmina Reza

Dau bâr o rieni diwylliedig yn cwrdd i drafod eu plant anystywallt.  Cyn hir mae chwarae’r oedolion yn troi’n
chwerw ac mae’n llanast go iawn yn y lolfa!  Drama ddoniol a deifiol.

Enwebwyd am gynhyrchiad gorau yn yr iaith Cymraeg gan y ‘Young Critics’.

Canllaw oed 14+

Perfformiad trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

2 mothers, 2 fathers, 2 sons × whisky, tulips and a mobile phone = carnage

Translation of Yasmina Reza’s ‘Le Dieu de Carnage’, by Gareth Miles

Two sets of parents meet to discuss their unruly sons. As time goes on, however, the civilized veneer soon slips, and carnage ensues!  A comedy of bad manners.

Nominated for Best Production in the Welsh Language by the “Young Critics”.

Age guidance 14+

Performance through the medium of Welsh.