Gweithdy Crefft | Craft Workshop


£2 y plentyn / £2 per child

10-11 + 1-2



Crefft Calan Gaeaf

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer sesiwn hwyl a sbri lle byddwn yn creu  nifer o grefftau arswydus! Gallwch greu pyped ofnus eich hun, ysbrydion lolipop, pry cop a cewch greu crefftau cŵl trwy ddefnyddio deunydd ailgylchu hefyd.


Mae’r gweithdai yn addas i blant 3-12 oed. Maen nhw’n ddwyieithog felly mae yna groeso i bawb. Ffoniwch y Ganolfan i gadw lle 01443 570075.


Halloween Craft

Join us in the fun filled session where you’ll have the chance to get creative and make some spectacularly spooky crafts! You’ll be able to make your own super scary puppet, lollypop ghosts, pipe cleaner spiders and you can create your own masterpieces with recycled materials too.


The workshops are suitable for children age 3-12.  The workshops will be run bilingually so everyone is welcome. Ring the Centre to book a place 01443 570075.