Y Llyfrgell Hud | The Magical Library


£5/£15 (Teulu|Family)



Mae’r llyfrgellydd hud ar fin cau’r llyfrgell ar ôl diwrnod hir, pan mae’n dod o hyd i hen hen lyfr sy’n llawn anturiaethau anhygoel! Fel mae e’n dechrau darllen y straeon…maen nhw’n dod yn fyw yn y llyfrgell!

Dilynwch Sinbad y morwr wrth iddo gychwyn ar y daith lle mae e’n dod ar draws morfil, aderyn anferth ac anghenfil!

Gwyliwch Paul Batton o Theatrix Arts yn perfformio’r stori hudolus gyda phypedau, cerddoriaeth, newid golygfeydd a mwy. Wedyn cewch y cyfle i gwrdd â’r pypedau ar ddiwedd y sioe a hefyd cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy wedi’r sioe i greu eich hoff byped.

Perfformiad trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg

The Magic Librarian is just about to shut up the Magical Library at the end of a long day, when he discovers an ancient book (1001 Arabian Nights) that contains amazing adventures! As he reads the stories they come to life in the library!
Follow Sindbad the Sailor as he embarks on his travels as he encounters a Whale, a Giant Bird and an Ogre!
Watch Paul Batten of Theatrix Arts perform this magical story through puppets, changing scenery, music and sound effects. Then meet the puppets and create you very own puppet of a character from the show!


Performance through the medium of English