Gweithdy Teulu Iachus | Healthy Families Workshop



£2 y teulu | per family



Dewch draw i’r gweithdy hwyliog yma lle cewch chi’r cyfle i wneud ychydig o ymarfer corff er mwyn codi curiad y galon i ddechrau. Ar ôl ychydig o ymarfer corff bydd cyfle i chi ddal eich gwynt cyn mynd ymlaen i baratoi byrbryd iachus. Cofiwch wisgo dillad cyfforddus ac esgidiau ymarfer corff.

Gweithgaredd trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg
Come along to this healthy families workshop where you’ll be able to take part in a fun exercise session to begin with. After working up a bit of a sweat you’ll then be able to make some healthy snacks. Make sure you come in comfortable clothes that are suitable for exercising and trainers.

Activity through the medium of English