A Dragon’s Tale (Sioe a gweithdy / Show and workshop)



£5 / £15 (Teulu | Family)

Chwedl y Ddraig

Yn syfrdanol, mae John yn taflu’r pysgod rhyfeddol yn ôl i’r afon. Beth mae wedi ei wneud! Tyfodd a thyfodd y pysgodyn hyd nes…Wel beth am ddarganfod trwy wylio’r sioe hudolus yma sy’n cael ei berfformio gan Theatrix Arts. Mae’r stori yn seiliedig ar chwedl go iawn llawn swyn, hud a lledrith. Wedi’r sioe cewch gyfle i greu Draig eich hun mewn gweithdy gwych!  Dewch i fwynhau’r sioe arbennig yma sy’n addas i deuluoedd a phlant 4+.

Perfformiad trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg


A Dragon’s Tale

Foolishly John throws the strange googly eyed fish back into the river. What has he done! The Fish grew and grew and grew until…Well why not find out by coming to watch this magical show by Theatrix Arts. They perform this enchanting story based on a legend through puppets, changing scenery, music and sound effects.  Then meet the puppets and create you very own Dragon Puppet.

The performance and workshop is suitable for families and children aged 4 +

Performance through the medium of English