[Wedi Gwerthu Allan | Sold Out] Dwyn i Gof


Gan /By  Theatr Bara Caws


£14 / £12






Dwyn i Gof gan Meic Povey

Mae Huw a Bet yn briod ers 40 mlynedd a Gareth, eu hunig fab, ar fin priodi Cerys. Mae trefniadau i’w cadarnhau. Mae Huw’n benderfynol o chwarae ei ran ond gyda’i gof yn araf ddadfeilio mae perygl i gyfrinachau hen a newydd gael eu datgelu. Ond pa mor fregus yw Huw mewn gwirionedd? Sut mae Bet yn ymdopi â’r sefyllfa? Oes rheswm gan Gareth i boeni am bechodau’r tadau, ac a yw Cerys yn gweld y tad yn y mab?

Mae Dwyn i Gof yn ddrama ddifyr a phryfoclyd sy’n cyfuno’r dwys a’r digrif wrth sôn am bwnc cyfredol, sydd ar feddwl pawb y dyddiau hyn.

Yng ngeiriau dihafal Meic ei hun, “Y rheswm esh i ati i sgwennu am y pwnc penodol yma ydi hyn: O’r holl bethau all ein lladd – ac fel dywedodd yr Americanwr adnabyddus, (sic) Anthony Hopkins unwaith, ‘nobody gets out of this alive’ – yn bersonol, colli dy gof ydi’r cyflwr sy’n codi mwya’ o ofn arna’i.”

Meddai Betsan Llwyd, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig Bara Caws, “’Roedd Meic wedi gyrru’r ddrama atom llynedd, ac ‘ro’n i wrthi’n dechrau rhyw gyfathrebu ynglŷn â hi pan gafodd ei daro’n ddifrifol wael. ‘Roedd wedi dweud ei hun bod angen rhagor o waith arni, felly ‘ro’n i mewn cyfyng-gyngor. Yna deuddydd wedi iddo farw cefais gerdyn ganddo, drwy law Catrin ei ferch, yn ei ffordd unigryw ei hun yn fy herio i ymgymryd â’r dasg asap! – a fel ddeudodd Catrin, ‘Pwy yda ni i ignorio hynny?’ Felly dyma ni!  Fyddai’n colli’r cyfle i drafod, i ddadlau ac i herio, ond bydd hi – fel bob tro – yn fraint.”

‘Rydym wrth ein bodd fod y cast canlynol wedi derbyn yr her – mae pob un o aelodau’r cast yn wynebau cyfarwydd iawn ar lwyfannau ac ar y sgrîn:

Sara Gregory, Gwenno Elis Hodgkins, Rhodri Meilir a   Llion Williams

Perfformiad trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg


Dwyn i Gof  (Bring to Mind) by Meic Povey

Huw and Bet have been married for 40 years and their only child, Gareth, is about to marry Cerys. There are arrangements to be made. Huw insists on taking part, but with his mind slowly disintegrating secrets old and new could be disclosed. But is Huw quite as bad as he seems? How does Bet cope with her situation? Why is Gareth so obsessed with ‘the sins of the fathers’, and does Cerys see the father reflected in the son?

A thought-provoking take on this omnipresent topic combines humour and tragedy, in Dwyn i Gof (Bring to Mind) Meic Povey’s last play for Bara Caws.

In Meic’s own words, “I wanted to write about this particular subject because: Of all the things that can kill us — and as that famous American, (sic) Anthony Hopkins, once said, ‘nobody gets out of this alive’ — personally, losing your mind is what frightens me most.”

Betsan Llwyd, Bara Caws’ Artistic Director explains: “Meic had sent us the play last year, and we had just started discussing the project further when he became gravely ill. He’d already said that there was work to do on it, so that left me in a quandary.  Then a couple of days after he died I received a card from him, sent by Catrin his daughter, and in his own inimitable way, challenging me to get to grips with the work asap — and as Catrin said — ‘Who are we to ignore that?’ So here we are! I’ll miss the opportunity to discuss, debate and challenge, but it will be — as always — a privilege.”

We are thrilled that the following actors have accepted the challenge – all of whom are well-known faces on stage and screen:

Sara Gregory, Gwenno Elis Hodgkins, Rhodri Meilir a Llion Williams

Performance through the medium of Welsh.