-Canslwyd | Cancelled- CASH : Teyrnged i Johnny Cash Tribute




£14 / £12

01443 570075

CASH Poster [red & yellow]2-1

Noson deyrnged arbennig i Johnny Cash gan un o brif artistiaid
teyrnged y byd cerddorol. Mae Ben a adnybyddir fel Cash wedi llwyddo i ail greu sain, teimlad ac apêl ei arwr cerddorol. Mae Cash
wedi ei greu gyda’r bwriad o ddod a cherddoriaeth Johnny Cash i
gynulleidfaoedd heddiw.

As is so often the case with unique artists, it takes another one to fully appreciate them. Having lived the life and music of Johnny
Cash and other country heroes who came before and since, Ben,
aka CASH, has effortlessly recreated the sound, vibe and appeal of
the master himself. There’s two types of people in this world:
Those who like Johnny Cash and those that don’t know a damn
thing about music. CASH are dedicated to making sure as many
people as possible get into the know…

“These are NO tribute act, they’re the real deal! Respect to the great
work” – UK Rock n Roll Magazine. “At 26 years of age I
unfortunately will never get to see the legend that is the man in
black perform live but whilst watching CASH I felt like I was getting
as close as possible to the real deal. Passionate, energetic and an
authentic tribute not just to Johnny but his band, June and overall

– Pete Bailey, Team Rock Radio.