Tales from the Taiga

posterimageTales from the Taigaboatborder
Sadwrn / Saturday
£7 / £22 (Tocyn Teulu / Family Ticket)
Sioe Pypedau / Puppet Show
Saesneg / English)

*English below*

Sioe trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg yw ‘Tales from the Taiga’ gan gwmni Small World yn addas i blant a’u teuluoedd yn llawn straeon, pypedau a cherddoriaeth.

Addaswyd y sioe o chwedl Nanai am fywyd bachgen ifanc a’i weithredoedd caredig. Mae’r arwr yn byw yn y Taiga, coedwig sy’n croesi ffiniau gwledydd.  Mae’n ardal sy’n cynnwys creaduriaid anhygoel gan gynnwys Teigr.  Mae’r sioe yn delio’n sensitif gyda themâu megis diwylliant ac amgylchedd bregus ac mae neges ynddi i bawb.

Small World Theatre’s new English language puppet show ‘Tales from the Taiga’ is an exciting adventure using shadow puppetry, giant creatures, storytelling, music and lighting to create an enchanting performance for children and their families.

Adapted from a traditional Nanai folk tale about a young man and his kindness. The hero lives in the Taiga, a band of forest around the world that crosses national boundaries, known as the boreal forest. Its populated by amazing creatures, such as a life-size Siberian tiger, a giant sturgeon and much more. By solving three seemingly impossible tasks, he cleverly wins the hand of the beautiful maiden.  You will be introduced to a culturally rich and magical world seen through the eyes of a young girl. The performance addresses the issues of a delicate and disappearing culture, environment and landscape to which the Nanai, or ‘fish skin’ people belong. This story resonates with many communities affected by these issues today.

‘Tales from the Taiga’ is suitable for children of all ages, and adults will also enjoy the fun and laughter.