Dilyn Fi

Dilyn Fi imageDilyn Fi
Iau / Thursday
Plant / Children
Theatr Frân Wen


£5 / £15 Tocyn Teulu-Family Ticket
*English below*

Yn dilyn perfformiad yng Ngwˆyl Fringe Caeredin, dyma sioe i blant dan 7 oed i helpu ddatblygu dychymyg, sgiliau cyfathrebu a hyder.

Mae Nansi yn chwaer fawr am y tro cyntaf. I ymdopi mae Nansi yn dianc mewn i fyd dychmygol ei hun. Sut mae Cai, ei ffrind gorau, yn helpu hi i wynebu realiti’r sefyllfa?

Antur dau ffrind llawn chwarae, chwilota ac eliffantod! 🐘

Fresh from the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Follow Me, is a show for under 7s to help develop imagination, language skills and confidence.

Nansi has just become a big sister for the first time. To deal with the new arrival she escapes into her own imaginary world. How does Cai, her very best friend, help her face up to the reality of the situation?

Join us on an adventure full of play, discovery and elephants! 🐘