
Dau Pic Edit

Mercher / Wednesday
Drama Gymraeg / Welsh Drama
RCT Arts Service

Sioe am wr a gwraig yn rhedeg tafarn sy’n lwyfan i hanesion a helyntion difyr y gymuned.

“Dau” gan Jim Cartwright. Addasiad gan Gareth John Bale.

A play about a husband and wife running a pub that is the perfect stage for gossip and tales of the whole community.

‘Jim Cartwright’s ‘two-handed’ play ‘Two’ presents a microcosm of working-class life in a Northern local in the 80’s; a place of failed aspirations and unfulfilled lives which has since been emulated in many comedies most notably, Early Doors.

I archebu eich tocynnau ffoniwch: 01443 219589
To book your tickets phone: 01443 219589

Poster Dau (AJG)